Thursday, March 22, 2007

Step 20 - You Tube - Check this out

I love You Tube, anyone can be famous for fifteen minutes, although it does have a few privacy issues. I have seen some really funny clips, great live music clips, bizarre jack ass kind of stunts and lots of stupid gals dancing in their bedrooms.

It's a cool communication tool, everyone is a producer, director, star, with very little talent needed.

My partner Stellan's latest gadget obsession is the "Rubik's cubes" (yes the craze of the early 80's is making a come back), hence we have watched many You Tube clips of people doing the cube in record time, usually under 30 seconds.

Although the most rivetting one is a 3 year old chinese girl who completes the cube, it takes her just over 2 minutes but she does it...quite amazing!

I am also enjoying watching John Butler Trio's latest songs played live on a french tv show, fabulous.

This is a great You Tube video about blogs, RSS, newsfeeds, Library 2.0 & The Web and The World. Very cool

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