Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Step - 23 Is this really the end? Or just the beginning ...

It's defiantly the beginning for me, new baby on the way...does this mean my blogging, myspace computer time will be eaten into by my little bambino or will I be able to juggle a laptop whilst changing nappies & breast feeding?

I've just spent a little time looking back over my blog an am impressed that I actually completed all of the steps from 1-23. The last few were of course spurred on by Karyn's shocking email informing me that Terrific Trev had only one step to go. Yes my ghastly competitive side crept out and coerced me to complete Library 2.0.

I enjoyed completing the 23 tasks and learnt about a few new things along the way. I really enjoyed making mashups and will surely use them again. I hope to see alot of this new technology come into play in library services soon. One downside is the endless need to login. I have made so many new accounts lately that I may never get back to as I won't be able to remeber all the passwords.

Overall I enjoyed the challenge, the competition and the computer time to blog on......

Step - 22 Audiobooks (or "The end is in sight ")

I couldn't work out how to become a member of Net Library, and probably wouldn't if I could. I did find out some info about the company though and it would probably be a good resource for a Library wanting to step into the future and have e-books/audio books available to borrowers.

Bayside already has e-books an no doubt is looking into the future of audio books. I don't think I would use them on a personal level as I would rather download an audio book onto my mp3 player and listen it away from the computer.

NetLibrary, is the leading platform for full-text digital content in libraries worldwide encompassing more than 130,000 eBooks, thousands of eAudiobooks, eJournals available to purchcase.


Step -18 Web-based Apps: There not just for desktops

I have checked out Zoho Writer and believe it's a great tool as it can be accessed from any computer that connected to the Internet. There's no need to transfer your documents to a USB key or disc as they are save to the Internet based application.

"One large benefit to web-based applications it that they eliminate the need to worry about different software versions or file types as you email documents or move from PC to PC".

This would be very beneficial to computer using library patrons as sometimes patrons come in with documents produced at home that are not compatible with the software installed on the library computers.


Step 16 & 17 - Sandbox Wiki

I have looked at this exercise many times and am not sure how much I like the concept of wiki. The fact that anyone can add information to them doesn't really make them that accurate or factual.

So I'm going to move on and do the exercises:

  • I have posted 2 of my favourite movies, "The Goonies" & "True Romance"


  • I have added my favourite tv show " 6ft Under", have you ever met a more sad sack family than the Fishers??


  • I have added my blog the favourites blog page so you know I've been there!
